4. patro

Project Prague – Charles university 2009/2010

This project was part of my exchange semester in Prague/czech republic 2009/2010 under the direction of the sound artist Andrea Dancer.


exhibition Charles university Prague 11.02.2010


Installation Große Mappe April 2011

Installation Project Prague



Kinda dangerous I would think? Has anyone
ever been hurt or killed on one of these


I’d be SHOCKED if nobody ever was.
It’s basically a wooden guillotine.


Honestly what the hell happens if you ride all
the way down or all the way up?


I was thinking the same thing. Imagine if you
were drunk and stumble down just before the
elevator reaches the top…

more of the comments on youtube

Paternoster Kurzgeschichte

watch movie 4.patro

acting and helping persons for the movie: Deborah Scheller, Levin Pfeiffer, Andrea Dancer, Linda Arbanova,  Mari Jännetyinen, Minna Lappalainen. Thank you!

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